Friday, November 20, 2009

How to Successfully Make a Fool of Yourself to Treat Your Agoraphobia

This is an agoraphobia treatment that is quite effective and helps to stop or reduce anxiety panic attacks. Sounds bizarre telling an agoraphobic to make a fool of himself to cure his ailment? Well, actually, it is not as bizarre as it sounds.

To an agoraphobic, making a fool of himself or herself is the greatest of all fears and avoids with passion any environment that may trigger such an embarrassment. These embarrassments or aberrational fear of them trigger panic attacks.

Well, to use the above tactic successfully, you have to create what psychologists call a controlled setting.

Go to a place where no one knows you such as the market and scream some gibberish. Gibberish such as "I am the king of Guyana". Alternatively, wear a ridiculous cap with dressing to match which will draw attention to you.

You make up your mind on how you want it done. You create a setting and act it out! Start thinking. I am very certain you will come up with some brilliant ideas.

Repeat as often as possible. It is best you that when you want to start, inform your taxi driver or go with a companion just for some comfort. Or you can just go alone. You need to be bold.

The reason why this works is that when one makes a fool of himself and finds out that the world does not come to an end or revolve around him or her, his fear of embarrassing situations begins to diminish and subsequently disappear. This will happen with you.

So will you start today- or tomorrow? Plan well and take action. You will be glad you did.

Joe Barry says He has found the cure for panic attacks and anxiety. Read and listen to testimonies of many who have benefitted. Click Here Now to .......

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